with common-interest – Corinne Gisel and Nina Paim
6 April 2019, 13—19h, Café Unternehmen Mitte, Basel
3rd depatriarchise design *!Lab!* was joined by around 20 people, among them many designers, but also activists, a social worker, a programmer and a mathematician. They represented a variety of genders, sexual orientations, ages, nationalities, and cultural backgrounds, which created a diverse room with multiple perspectives and viewpoints. After Corinne Gisel and Nina Paim gave a brief introduction on statistics, the visualisation of information and figures like Florence Nightingale and Marie Neurath, they spoke about the importance that quantitative analysis has for them. They also shared their admiration of Parlour, an Australian platform focusing on women, equity and architecture which recently produced a census of the profession. Among many other things, Parlour uses data visualisation to make the glass ceiling visible. During the following open conversation on the significance of design awards, topics such as representation, accessibility and impact were discussed, but also questions like how design awards have permeated our imaginaries since back when most of us were students. We eventually agreed that the Swiss Design Awards is the most important design prize for the majority of this workshop’s participants and then started discussing how to look at the data, how to categorise people (and whether we are even in the position to do so), as well as what other information we should correlate with our analysis, before finally visualising the findings in the form of pizzas. Our own individual biases were addressed as well, followed by the question of how we can deal with them as researchers. We agreed to continue gathering and analysing data, with the aim to publish our findings in the near future.
Photos: Meret Buser

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by Anja Neidhardt”