6 February 2021 depatriarchise design *!Lab!*: Queer Nature – The Coming-Out of the Plant Kingdomby depatriarchise design
5 September 2020 Creating Myths from the Margins. A Conversation with Noam Youngrak Sonby Anja Neidhardt
15 December 2019 Los Baños Públicos necesitan ser Seguros y Accesibles para Todxspor Anja Neidhardt (traducido al castellano por VenidaDevenida)
10 April 2019 depatriarchise design *!Lab!*: Pizzas of Inequality. Gender Disbalance as Edible Statisticsby Anja Neidhardt
17 March 2019 depatriarchise design *!Lab!*: Whose “Real World?” Papanek and the Politics of Displayby Anja Neidhardt and Maya Ober
23 February 2019 The Politics of Display: Review of Vitra Design Museum’s Papanek Exhibitionby Anja Neidhardt
23 February 2019 The Politics of Display: Kritik der Papanek-Ausstellung im Vitra Design Museumvon Anja Neidhardt
23 January 2019 Expanding Knowledges: Pedagogies of Freedom for Visual Communicationconversation between Maya Ober (depatriarchise design) and Johanna Lewengard and Benedetta Crippa
4 September 2018 La Distopía es el Nuevo Porno: fantasías de dominación y cuestiones de poderpor Benedetta Crippa, traducción al castellano por Abigail Schreider
13 August 2018 Dystopia is the New Porn: fantasies of domination and questions of powerby Benedetta Crippa
13 August 2018 La Distopia è il Nuovo Porno: fantasie di dominio e questioni di poteredi Benedetta Crippa
6 March 2018 “Call Out, Protest, Speak Back. Woman of Colour Feminism on the Internet”: Footnotes from Lisa Nakamura’s keynote lecture at transmediale 2018by Anja Neidhardt
20 January 2018 Polarised migration: Self-perspectives on Gold, Capital and Exploitation of Womenby Magdalena Ines Goldin and Maya Ober
20 December 2017 Things I had No Words For: The Creation of a New Visual Language in the Work of Benedetta Crippawith an intro by Maya Ober
26 September 2017 Nihil novi sub sole: depatriarchise design reviews “Abstract. The Art of Design”by Maya Ober
4 July 2017 Interview with Professor Griselda Flesler, Head of Chair of Design and Gender Studies at the FADU, University of Buenos Aires.by depatriarchise design
4 July 2017 Entrevista con Griselda Flesler, Cátedra de Diseño y Estudios de Género en la Facultad de Arquitectura (FADU), Universidad Buenos Airespor depatriarchise design
27 June 2017 Realignment of the Daily Routine and of the Interior Furnishings: Revisiting Alix Rohde-Liebenau’s Design Criticism by Anja Neidhardt