Participation is free of charge. Please sign up until 7 April 2021 via depatriarchisedesign@gmail.com
The Garage
Klingelbergstrasse 11
4056 Basel
“Anything that i have to say, that’s because a whole bunch of people, a whole bunch of history, a whole bunch of things sent me to say it.” — Fred Moten
Through individual and collective listening exercises and the reading of various texts, we explore the notion of memory and collective memory. Listening, as a strategy to breaking open the modern control over a singular narrative and chronology, can highlight relationships that allow an understanding, a crossing and intermingling across differences.
Design of the visual identity: Corin Gisel and Nina Paim (common-interest)
Typeface: Reihe by Marie-Mam Sai Bellier
depatriarchise design *!Labs!* is generously supported by the Culture Department of Basel-City