Participation is free of charge. Please sign up until 23 September 2020 via depatriarchisedesign@gmail.com
The Garage
Klingelbergstrasse 11
4056 Basel
Queer Nature explores the little-known, often-overlooked and rare intimate behaviour of the botanical world, investigating the relationships between ecological thought and queer theory. Through walks, readings, discussions and collective action, we will explore the power of trees, shrubs, flowers, and herbs as a source of inspiration, providing alternatives to the way we design and act, whether on the scale of the national territory, a public space or a private garden.
Design of the visual identity: Corin Gisel and Nina Paim (common-interest)
Typeface: Montiac Regular by Fabiola Mejía
depatriarchise design *!Labs!* is generously supported by the Culture Department of Basel-City